Monday, June 23, 2014

Critters we have known....

This year has been a very eventful year!
It is our third summer at our place in the woods.
We have seen some wildlife...but not like this year!!!

So far we have had muskrat (when the water levels were so high!)

We had a porcupine hanging out in my son's favorite climbing afternoon...

Now we have TURTLES!

Wait, what?


Less than a week after planting our vegetable garden,
We noticed some rather largish holes.
The holes were randomly placed around the garden.
Too big to be a chipmunk or a snake (we have those too).
No footprints to speak of.

It was a mystery!
Ches suspected it might be a raccoon or skunk looking for grubs.

One morning, Ches happened to notice something...
A snapping turtle!

She was laying eggs in the dirt right next to our chicken coop.
When we made room for the coop, it was in an area that was previously 
riddled with sumacs.  Ches painstakingly dug up all of the sumacs and their crazy long
roots.  It left a big ankle-breaking/twisting hole right outside the main door for the coop.

As we tilled the garden, I moved excess soil over to the hole.

Apparently the dirt was deep enough to lay turtle eggs!

We watched her cruise around the garden...maybe looking for her previously
dug holes to lay more eggs...

What critters have you encountered in the quest to grow your own food?
(And how you dealt with the issue...curious minds want to know!)
Sound off below!

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